Untitled 1996-2003-2019, original oil painting on canvas
- Description
I have worked on this, once acrylic and now oil, painting for over 20 years. I like where it is now, but I also miss what it used to be. I am aware that I lose something every time I work on it.
I do not know if all my work on this piece has made it better, or just changed it? But I do know, that so long as I have it, I will continue to work on it. I will replace the pictures as I change the painting.
The photos of it are adequate at best. The dark background of the bottom section is not lighter, that's glare. If I sand the darker sections smooth and repaint them, it should photograph better, but I also enjoy all the geology of paint layers. This piece has a reflective uneven surface, from the buildup of oil and pigment, and it makes it quite challenging to photograph. Maybe shooting it in a way that obscures it, gives me license to continue changing it.
Size: 19.5" x 15"
Medium: Oil over acrylic on stretched canvas.