Untitled "129" 1995 - Original Watercolor & Gouache Painting
- Description
This untitled painting from 1995, uses a variety of transparent and opaque watercolor techniques to dramatic effect. Brushstrokes swirl and bleed together, with bright jewel splashes of purple amid thick impasto waves of red, orange and yellow that ripple across the surface, creating a dynamic between the trails of color rising and falling beneath the surface- these paths of energy, move like veins of feeling, appearing only for as long as they can be felt, before being reabsorbed into the radiating depths from which the came.
Although abstract it has two powerful figurative elements that swirl into each other, in a storm of texture and color, as if to depict in vivid symbolism, the inner connection of two interwoven souls.
Numbered signed and dated on the back on the back of the frame. Also numbed, signed and dated on the back of the artwork.
This piece is framed, matted floating in a pale bronze metallic fabric with thin bronze metal frame. Although the framing is a bold attempt to complement the painting, it is distracting, a more classic choice would interfere less.
Artist catalog number MAB-95-129.
Artwork dimensions: 11 1/16" x 14 1/16"
Frame Dimensions: 16 1/4" x 19 1/8"
Media: watercolor and gouache on paper